These 10 Minimalist Hacks Will Help You Keep a Tidy Home

One of the hardest things to do is keep a tidy home. Life gets in the way. You forget to fold the laundry or dust the counter. It happens and there’s no shame in it. The other day I took a few minutes to put a bunch of clothes away. They’d taken residence on my desk chair, meaning I had to move them every time I had to work. After that, I thought it would be a nice refresher to go over some minimalist hacks I use to keep a tidy home.

Here are my top 10 minimalist hacks for keeping a tidy home

#1 — Use the 2-minute rule

A book I recently re-read was David Allen’s Getting Things Done. He is a productivity guru and I apply many of his tips to my life. One of the best tips is the 2-minute rule. Basically, if any task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it now. Don’t wait. This can be anything from answering emails, filing paperwork that’s been sitting on your desk, or bringing a dirty dish to the sink. You’ll be surprised by how many tasks take less than two minutes to complete.

#2 — Create a cleaning schedule

I’m not one to clean when things are dirty. I know many people do, but I prefer keeping with a cleaning schedule. I’ve shared my weekly cleaning routine but I also have a monthly and quarterly cleaning schedule. Each has specific tasks that I break up throughout the week. Having these cleaning schedules allows me to stay on top of things. And because I break things down into sizable, achievable chunks it never feels like a chore to me.

#3 — Wash the dishes after every meal

One of my favorite minimalist hacks I’ve picked up over the years is cleaning the dishes after every meal. In fact, when I cook I clean as I go. Once the food is cooking, I clean what I can so there’s less to do after I eat. It saves so much time. Not to mention putting something in the dishwasher takes less than two minutes so I’m following the #1 rule.

#4 — Put your shoes and coat away immediately

I get that when you come home from someplace — whether it be work or running errands — all you want to do is get comfortable. You throw your jacket wherever, kick off your shoes, and throw your bag on the nearest surface. I want to challenge you to put your shoes, coat, and purse away immediately after coming home. Not only does this take less than two minutes (see the pattern?) but it also saves you the hassle of wondering where you put your bag or coat. I used to put my purse anywhere when I came home. Now I have a dedicated spot for it so whenever I need to leave the house again, I know exactly where it is.

#5 — Get your family involved

Keeping a tidy house doesn’t have to be a solo adventure. Unless you live alone. Get your family involved. Create simple cleaning tasks for everyone. When you get the whole household involved, it's easier to keep a tidy home. That's what these minimalist hacks are all about: making your life easier. And the more hands you have helping you, the easier it'll be.

#6 — Start a nightly tidy up routine

A habit I started doing last year and continue to this day is spending 5-10 minutes each night cleaning up. I walk through my home and put things away that don’t belong. I clear surfaces, fold any clothes, and make sure nothing is out of place. I don’t dust, vacuum, or do any heavy lifting. This nightly tidy-up is just a walk-through. This is a great habit to start because it provides a fresh start. You can go to sleep knowing your home is as tidy as can be.

#7 — Tidy your desk at the end of the day

Though I work from home, I always tidy my desk at the end of my workday. I put away loose pens or highlighters, file any paperwork, and prepare tomorrow's to-do list. Tidying your desk is one of those minimalist hacks that will make coming to work the next day easier. I recommend doing this whether you work from home or not. There’s nothing more calming than a clutter-free desk.

#8 — Let the fresh air in

Whenever my home feels stingy I open a few windows. Living on the east coast I experience all four seasons. It means the windows are open one week and closed the next. In the height of winter when the heat’s been on for a while sometimes you need to open the windows and let the fresh air in. A little fresh air can improve your environment and revitalize your mood. If it’s cold you don’t have to leave them open for long. An hour is all you need.

#9 — Declutter

It should come as no surprise that decluttering is on this list. Decluttering your home is one of the easiest minimalist hacks to do. In order to keep your home tidy, you need to remove the excess and that comes by way of decluttering. You don't need to declutter a ton of stuff, but as you tidy up each night you might come across a few things you no longer need. Instead of forcing yourself to hang on to them, declutter them. I’ve found many things during my nightly tidy-up that I decluttered because there was no need for them. So anytime you find something like that, feel free to let it go.

#10 — Plan for your lifestyle

Last but certainly not least is to plan for your lifestyle. Everyone has their own way of keeping a tidy home. It’s important to organize your home in a way that fits you and your lifestyle. This includes how you tidy and keep things clean. If it’s too hard for you to keep to a cleaning schedule, then schedule a weekend where you do all the cleaning. If it’s difficult for you to clean your dishes after every meal then do them after the kids are asleep. The best way to keep your home tidy is by creating a set of habits that work for you.

One of my areas of expertise is minimalism. I love the concept of simple living. So if you’re an organizer whose focus is on minimalism, check out my copywriting services. Feel free to contact me with any questions or areas of content marketing that you’re looking for help in. I look forward to hearing from you.

What are some minimalist hacks you swear by? What ones specifically help keep your home tidy? Comment below.


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