10 Easy Ways You Can Start Simplifying Your Home Today

You might think that simplifying your home is impossible. If you have kids it’s hard enough to keep your home clean and organized for more than a few hours. You don't have to go to extreme lengths when simplifying. You're not overhauling your life and changing everything. Simplifying your home is as easy as making a few minor changes that have long-lasting impacts. Not sure what I mean? Then keep on reading, my friend.

Here are some of the best ways you can start simplifying your home today

#1 — Keep healthy snacks on hand

I don’t know about you but I always try to go for a healthy snack when hungry, yet I often end up with chips or cookies. That was until I started keeping healthy snacks on hand and within reach. I love apples, but I had them hidden in my fridge whereas the chips were front and center in the pantry. No wonder I was reaching for the easier-to-access item.

So if you’re looking to change your snacking habits, rearrange your fridge and pantry. Make all healthy options front and center. Once I moved apples, carrot sticks, and hummus to the middle shelf of the fridge, I’d go for them every single time. Move chips to the top shelf of your pantry and only take them out for special occasions. You’ll be amazed how quickly your snacking habits become healthy this way.

#2 — Clean your desk

Whether you work from home or in an office, there’s nothing more calming than a clean, organized desk. I start each day with a tidy desk. It does become messy throughout the day. That's why I spend 5-10 minutes putting everything away before I sign off.

Don’t go so crazy that you’re dusting the area — unless it needs it. Simply clear the surface of clutter. Put pens away, bring empty mugs or cups to the sink, return files to their homes, and so on. Tidying your desk before the end of the day gives you a win you can carry with you throughout the rest of the day.

#3 — Carry less with you

When I became a minimalist, I realized I was carrying a lot with me when I walked out the door. Just to run to the pharmacy, I’d have my entire purse with tons of things I didn’t need for the 15-minute trip. And so I pared down what I carry with me on a daily basis.

When I’m running errands, I have a small wristlet that holds my wallet, chapstick, and mask. That’s it. That’s all I need. When I go to work at a coffee shop I’ll bring my larger tote so I can carry my laptop, planner, snacks, and water bottle with ease. I also have my keys on a carabiner so I can clip them to my bag or wristlet when out of the car. This has been a game-changer. I no longer feel burdened by the weight of my purse when I’m running into the grocery store to get a few things.

#4 — Declutter duplicates

One of the best ways you can simplify your home is by removing the excess. And by that I mean items you don’t use or have duplicates of. The worst culprit is the kitchen. Do you really need four whisks? How about those six peelers? The kitchen is the king of duplicates.

So take an evening or a weekend and sort through your kitchen. Pare down as much as you can. If you find pots and pans you don’t use, declutter them. If you find too many niche gadgets you don’t use — avocado peeler, lemon squeezer, etc — donate them. Unless every single member of the family helps you peel potatoes for dinner, 1-2 peelers are all you need. And, of course, if anything is broken, throw it away. Especially if you already have a new one.

#5 — Create meal formulas

Meal planning doesn’t have to be complicated. Most people start off strong. Then they stop because it becomes too burdensome to plan that far ahead. Instead of trying to plan new meals every single time, create meal formulas.

Like a style formula, meal formulas are go-to favorites that everyone loves. Each week plan to have at least 2-3 of those favorites so all you have to plan for are 3-4 nights. Take a few minutes to think about the meals you know your family loves. It can be as simple as homemade pizza or baked ziti. Curate a list of those favorites and alternate them on a weekly basis. Once you have these formulas down, planning the rest of the week is going to be a breeze.

#6 — Automate bills and other payments

There's already enough on our plates. And yet we have to remember to pay bills each month. When possible, opt to automate payments. The majority of companies give you the option to set up autopay. Do it! Schedule it to go out 3-5 days before the due date to ensure it gets there on time. This simplification will save you so much stress. Instead of wondering if you paid this bill and that bill, you can focus on more important things. Trust me, if it doesn’t go through, you’ll know.

#7 — Hide cords where possible

Cords have become a staple in homes since the advancement of cell phones and tablets. While cords are necessary, they’re not the prettiest to look at. And they can multiply rather quickly. That’s why one way you can simplify your home is by hiding cords when possible.

Use couch pillows to hide them or try and tuck them behind furniture. Binder clips are useful here. Amazon also sells cord organizers. When you get your cords under control you’ll feel relieved. No more getting snagged on one when you sit down. No more ripping them out of the outlet because you tripped over one.

#8 — Deal with mail as it comes in

Paper mail is one of the leading causes of surface clutter. Why? Because most people don’t have a system in place for dealing with it as it comes in. I get it. You come home from work or a busy day out. You bring the mail inside. The last thing you want to do is sort through it. Most of it will be junk anyway.

But when you deal with mail as soon as it comes into your home, you’re saving a ton of clutter later on. You don’t have to open every single piece. Simply sort through it and create two piles: Junk and Keep. Recycle any junk and move anything in the Keep pile to a basket or a central home for it to be dealt with later. Try and sort through your Keep mail once a week. Put it on your calendar to remind you. This way that pile doesn’t get out of hand.

#9 — Create an outfit formula

Having an outfit formula simplifies getting dressed in the morning. Who wouldn't want that? The best part? Outfit formulas can work for both casual and professional clothes. Decide on a color palette you love. Pick 3-5 colors, preferably ones that can be mixed and matched. Have a couple of statement pieces but your set color palette will be your go-to.

For example, I’m most comfortable in jeans, a loose-fitting shirt, and a cardigan. My color palette is white, black, gray, green, and burgundy. The majority of my clothes are various shades of those colors. Every time I open my closet, I simply need to mix and match and I’m good to go. On special occasions, I break out the statement pieces which are usually patterned tops and nicer pants.

#10 — Put laundry away immediately

I do laundry once a week. But I know plenty of people who do it throughout the week. My sister for example. No matter your laundry schedule, if you want to simplify your home, fold and put clothes away after they’re done. Don’t leave dry clothes sitting in the dryer for long. They’ll get wrinkled.

If you make it a habit to put the laundry away as soon as it’s done you’re going to save yourself a ton of time. If you’re interrupted in the middle of it, get back to it as soon as possible. I used to leave my finished laundry sitting folded in the basket for a week. I wouldn’t put it away until I needed something from it. Now I put it away immediately and it has not only cleared my floor of clutter but saved me time.

Simplifying your home is all about creating minor changes. All these above-mentioned tips took no time to implement but made all the difference in the world.

Interested in learning more about simplifying your home? Then be sure to check out this blog post about organizing products you’ll want to add to your cart. They’ve helped me simplify my home so much. Be sure to check out these organization hacks you can start doing today as well.

After reading these tips, what are some ways you can start simplifying your home? Is there anything else you think might be helpful? Comment below with other simplifications. I’m always on the hunt for new ways to improve my home and systems.


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