What’s In My Bag Series: Travel Bag Essentials

I’m leaving for vacation this Friday and so I thought it’d be a fun idea to share with you what I keep in my travel bag. This is the second blog in the “What’s In My Bag Series.” You can find the first one, all about my daily essentials, here.

Even when traveling I try to keep things super minimal. I used to be an over-packer but since becoming a minimalist, I’ve learned to pair down what I bring. 

You’ll be surprised by how much you actually don’t use and most places you travel to — whether domestic or international — will have essentials like toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo for you to buy if needed. 

That’s why I do my best to bring only what I need and use when traveling.

Here are the essential items I keep in my travel bag

The bag

I prefer traveling with a backpack as it allows me to be hands-free and I can fit a lot. This Day Owl Backpack is relatively new. I got it two weeks ago so this will be my first time using it. I’ve had my eye on it for a while and when they had a recent sale, I snatched one up. (NOTE: Their summer sale is still going on so if you’ve been on the lookout for a new backpack, give this one a try.

They’re a sustainable company and will take back old backpacks to be correctly recycled. You can also send them your old Day Owl bag when it’s time to replace it. 

Their bags are made with First Mile® waxed canvas which is made from 100% recycled post-consumer plastic bottles. The polyester lining and trim are also made from recycled material. 

The design is super basic and minimal, but it has a ton of hidden pockets that make organizing things a breeze. I cannot wait to use it. I went for the maple brown color.

Image from Day Owl

Image from Day Owl


I bring my laptop with me on any trip I take. This way I can watch Netflix or more and do a little writing. I can also hop on and create some printables if I feel up to the task so long as the Wi-Fi is good. As for my copywriting and freelance work, I tend to leave that alone for the time I’m away. Since this is considered my vacation, I avoid doing that kind of work. I may occasionally check emails, but I do my best not to. 


I’ve had a reMarkable for almost two years and I absolutely love it. It’s become a staple travel item. I use it nearly every single day. If not for writing, then editing client work, or drafting printable ideas. I started bringing this instead of a writing notebook because it’s slimmer and feels just like paper when writing. Eventually, I hope to stop buying notebooks altogether and use only this or my Rocketbook. First, I need to finish my current stack, which is a lot, lol.

Image from reMarkable

Image from reMarkable


To ensure I keep up with my one page a day journaling, I bring my journal with me on trips. I’ll add a pen holder to it and store two pens to take with me. I keep it in my travel bag because sometimes while on route I feel inspired to journal so I want to make sure it’s easy to access.


I bought this wristlet on Poshmark and it’s a great travel companion. It stores my wallet, chapstick, and pill case. This way when we stop for a bathroom break or to eat, I can just take this out and leave the backpack in the car. 


Believe it or not, I don’t read that much while on vacation. That’s why I only bring one book with me. Will I buy new ones while at our final destination? Of course, but in terms of reading, one is all I need. I do try and bring a book I’m only a quarter of the way through or just started. But while on vacation I tend to only read right before bed, but since I’m usually exhausted, I pass out after a page or two. That’s why bringing more than one doesn’t make sense for me.


I’ll also keep a mask and hand sanitizer in my backpack. I’ll store a backup mask or two in my suitcase, but I always make sure I have one on hand. Despite mandates being lifted, I find it best to keep a mask handy because you never know when you might need it. 


I prep my snacks the day before we leave. My go-to snacks for travel include granola, sliced apples, and M&Ms. I try and stick with snacks that will hydrate and give me energy.

Water bottle

I don’t go anywhere without a reusable water bottle. I’ll fill it up before we head out the door and refill it at stops if need be.

Reusable bag

I love these reusable bags. Particularly how they fold up into a small square I can stuff easily in an interior pocket of my backpack. We don’t often shop while driving to our destination, but on the off chance we do, this bag comes in handy. I’ll also use it when shopping at our destination. It’s also great for storing snacks for the plane when you’re through security. It can also double as a garbage bag. Just take a damp cloth to it when you need to clean it.


Obviously need sunglasses. I also have blue blocker glasses for my laptop that are stored in my suitcase. They’re in there because I can’t drive and be on my laptop at the same. If I fly then they stay in my backpack since I can use my laptop while flying.


Gotta have headphones so I can cut out the loud highway noise. If it’s a nice day while traveling, we turn off the AC and open the windows. But sometimes that highway noise can get annoying and so headphones come in handy then.

Portable battery

If we’re driving we have the option to charge our phones through the car. But while flying, I like having a portable battery on hand. I still use it even when driving because when we’re out and about, it’s good to have just in case someone runs low on charge.

Charging cords

Finally, I keep a small pouch of all my charging cords in my backpack. I prefer to keep them in my backpack because if I need them, they’re easier to access than if I put them in my suitcase. I don’t often need them while driving since again, I can’t stare at electronic screens too long. But when flying or taking a train, they come in handy since I can go on my laptop then.

This list may seem like a lot to some and a little to others. What I’ve tried to do over the last few years is really think about the things I use during vacation. 

As I mentioned before, I don’t tend to read a lot while away so one book is more than enough. But if I were going to a beach for a few days — which is rare for me — I may bring a second one.

So the next time you’re planning a trip really think about what you’ll actually use and bring only that. It’s a learning curve, but well worth it.

Do you tend to over pack for trips? What are some travel essentials you need to have? Do you find you use less than what you normally bring with you?


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